Wednesday 16 March 2011

Cancer Rates Observed To Be On The Rise

Cancer is one of the most common health conditions that affects our entire country. There are many different types of cancer that exist however there are some that are more common than others. One of the most common types is lung cancer. The actual cause of this condition may vary but there is general consensus that smoking is the leading cause of such a health condition. When one is actually diagnosed with this their next step is to visit with their physician in order to determine the right way of trying to treat or control the condition. One of the methods that has been prescribed as of late by physicians is the use of a nebulizer. A nebulizer is a medical device that is used to deliver respiratory medication in vapor form for easy absorption by the body.
Nebulizer devices have been around for decades but as of late they have changed quite significantly. The modern nebulizer devices are completely portable and can be taken wherever that the person desires to go. So for example, if a person is suffering from a respiratory condition they can actually take their device with them while they are traveling in order to take their prescription medication in vapor form. Physicians have been recommending using such a device for lung cancer because of the fact that it allows for quick absorption by the body when it is breathed rather than ingested through a typical way of taking medication. The actual medication that should be taken or the treatments that should be administered with the use of the device really depends on the doctor who is helping the patient with their condition.
In either case, the use by the actual patient is not only painless but also very fast and effective. It only takes a few minutes until the prescription is ready to be taken via mist form. Time is a very important aspect because for many of the health conditions that are out there there does exist a lot of pain and rather severe symptoms. As a result, the ability to administer the medicine whereby it can go to work rather quickly is quite necessary and does in fact add to the overall treatment effectiveness. As the actual pharmaceuticals evolve and change in order to better treat those living with this health concern, the device can accommodate them all as in the end the ability to deliver them in mist form is very much in demand.

Who Cares For The Care Givers?

What a joy it is when another story of a "miracle" remission comes in. So much so that we could easily fall into the trap of forgetting about the cases where the outcome was not joyful and the patient died, usually after a long and protracted ordeal. Unfortunately, the number of these unfortunates dying each day of cancer in the US is roughfully the equivalent of the lives lost in one of the World Trade Center towers. This means that a multitude of loved ones are left to cope with grief and sorrow black as night. When the patient was still alive, he/she was the focus of attention for many. Not so the caregiver. After the flowers and the initial casseroles, it is amazing how quickly the world goes about it's way leaving the erstwhile caregiver to grieve alone.
Grief does not seem to enjoy the status of a reckognized disease and that is a pity for it can likewise be deadly. I know for I have been there. The joy of my conquest of deadly renal cell cancer was to be lost in the death of my wife to ovarian cancer. It was all over so fast. First the discovery, then the 2 weeks of anxious uncertainty followed by a medical mistake that killed her in four days. We lacked 6 months making it to our Golden Wedding anniversary. I found myself in the grip of forces far worse than any encountered in my own cancer fight. I had the worst portions of grief, anger and a primitive desire for revenge all trying their best to destroy me. I am not exaggerating when I say that the grief came nearer to killing me than the cancer ever did.
There have been many excellent works on grief. The best seem to be by those who have truly experienced it. I was recently intrigued by an old familiar Bible story. This may be found in the eighth chapter of the book of Luke starting with verse 26. It deals with Jesus experience with casting out devils from a man wildly possessed. This story captures the imagination and has been at the root of many best selling secular books and movies. Now I am going to tamper with this story with a flight of imagination that I can assure the reader is neither inspired nor intended to offend. I merely want you to follow me through an analogy that does not seem too far from the truth. We are told initially that this deranged man was living in the tombs. Now this seems odd behavior for any place and time. Could it be that the possesion is derived from unrequitted grief that has led to unbearable guilt? Grief is a natural and necessary human emotion. It has even been reported that tears of grief differ in content slightly from tears of joy, in that there are low level toxins released in grief. Grief can lead to a virtual shut down of the immune system, a loss of seratonin and ultimately clinical depression which can include erratic behavior and even suicide. Worse yet, guilt can set in without a rational cause. I expect that if guilt were removed from the human situation, the evil one would be unarmed! We do not know what burdens of guilt, doubt or loss of self esteem may have brought the demoniac of the story to that condition. Evidently he did see Jesus as a ray of hope and threw himself at his feet although at first unwilling to let go of the legion of demons troubling him. The best we are told that his neighbors could do for him was to bind him in chains. No indication of comfort anywhere in the story, much like the story of Job's "comforters". Could it be that a judgemental community had fed this poor chap's guilt feelings over the loss of a loved one to the point of driving him over the edge? Curiously enough, these same neighbors, instead of hailing Jesus for the miracle, demanded that he leave the country for they were taken with great fear. What was the basis for this fear? I should think that this should have been the occasion for great feasting and rejoicing. Perhaps the fear of further loss to the swine growers economy. Perhaps it went even deeper from a fear of being exposed for the way they had treated their poor grieving neighbor.
I can tell you for a fact that in my loneliness my self accusations of guilt multiplied to the point where I was very nearly a basket case. I was fortunate in getting proper medical help just in time. Others have not been so fortunate. If any of you reading this are presently in the throes of grief, I wish you would take heart and realize that there is a very real hope for a return to happiness. Although it took almost four years I eventually found happiness in a wonderful lady who had, like me, known this grief black as death. Life is wonderful for us and we now count our blessings as we rejoice in each new day. I would never have imagined that such an outcome was possible.
I discovered along the way that it was not necessary for me to get "over" my dear wife's untimely death. To do so would have meant giving up the treasured memories as well. No, it was only necessary to get "through" it and that we have both, thankfully and with God's help, done. I now have realized just what it means to have the love of two wonderful women in my life. Fortunately, a beneficent and all knowing God answered my prayers for death. The answer was "No", for He had something far better in mind for me. Although it was severely curtailed for a while, I found new meaning in my work with cancer patients that I would never have known had I pulled that trigger. It has been said that there are three "T's" necessary for dealing with grief. These are tears, time and talk. It is not only alright to cry, it is necessary. The passage of time, provided it is moving with purpose and direction is a great healer.
Talk, with the right persons, can do wonders. Along that line, talk can also be very destructive. I decided to yield to the suggestion that I attend a grief counselling session at local church. The leader ignored the obvious and greeted me with the question so typical of our times, "How are you doing?". This hit me as outrageous under the circumstance whereupon I said "If I were doing worth a damn do you think I would be here?". I turned and left and never came back. Whatever went with "It is so good to see you", "We are so glad you could join us" or just simply "Welcome to our little group". I hope I never hear "Don't you wish you could live it over so you could have done differently?". God alone knows how many time I have accused my self with that one. I must have thought of a thousand things that I could have done that would have changed the outcome. Worse yet is, "It was God's will that your loved one lay on a bed racked with pain and died a horrible death". I could no more believe that than I could believe that it was God's will that a drunk driver would crash into a van load of innocent children. God's ways are not our ways, God's thoughts are not our thoughts and God's mind is higher than our minds wrote the prophet Isaiah. If you will but look for those wonderful words of comfort contained in the scriptures, you will find a God far larger than you ever imagined and the peace of mind to help you through the worst of times.
To the grieving caregiver presently caught up in the throes of grief and self accusation, I send my best wishes for peace of mind. Do not waste your time dwelling on things you might have done differently. It is not likely that there was a single thing that you could have done differently to alter the outcome. Remember instead what a comfort it was to your love one just knowing you cared. If you want to lay blame, then lay it on a monstrous, son of a bitch of a disease that we all need to work together to vanquish from the face of the earth. The truth is, you never did anything all that wrong. I suggest you consider putting what you learned to good use. Make lemonade out of this lemon. You now have all the right qualifications. You will find a great need for you in the fight and it won't be far from your doorstep. You have no idea just what an angel of mercy you can be to a suffering neighbor, not next month or next year, but in the here and now.
I expect that God has a special reward stored up awaiting the caregivers and they won't have to wait until they die to start enjoying it. As to exactly who does care for the caregivers, why not let it be you? You have the very real prospect of losing your grief in the act of helping others deal with theirs.

The Sugar-Cancer Connection: Is It Real?

The United States is a nation with a sweet tooth -- and a big one at that. The average American adult eats 22 teaspoons of sugar a day; teens eat closer to 34. In all, this amounts to nearly 16 percent of average daily caloric intake, up significantly from the less than 11 percent sugars contributed to Americans' diets in the late 1970s.
The biggest sugar culprits, as you might suspect, are soft drinks and candy, followed by cakes, cookies, pies and fruit drinks. But even sweetened dairy products like yogurt and sweetened breads, such as cinnamon toast, are adding to Americans' heavy sugar load.
For health purposes, the American Heart Association recommends people cut way back on their sugar intake -- to six teaspoons a day for women and nine teaspoons for men. The sweetener has been linked to numerous health issues ranging from obesity and high blood pressure to increased triglycerides, a marker for heart disease. You've probably also heard the notion that "sugar feeds cancer"... and may be wondering whether or not this is true.
Does Sugar Feed Cancer?
The idea that sugar feeds cancer is often attributed to Otto Warburg, a German researcher who received the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his discovery that cancer cells have a different energy metabolism than healthy cells. Warburg believed that cancer cells originate from an "injuring of respiration," or lack of oxygen, that is replaced by fermentation. In other words, cancer cells learn to thrive by gleaning energy from the fermentation of glucose, or sugar.
Yet, the statement that sugar feeds cancer is often debated, since all cells, including healthy cells, use glucose to grow. It appears, however, that cancer cells do use sugar more efficiently, and in greater quantities, than healthy cells.
Don Ayer, Ph.D., a Huntsman Cancer Institute investigator and professor in the Department of Oncological Sciences at the University of Utah, told Science Daily: "It's been known since 1923 that tumor cells use a lot more glucose than normal cells. Our research helps show how this process takes place, and how it might be stopped to control tumor growth."
In studies conducted by Ayer and colleagues, it was found that both healthy and cancerous cells use glucose and glutamine (an amino acid) interdependently for growth. But by blocking the availability of glutamine, the entire cellular process "short circuits" and prevents glucose from doing its work, thus stopping the growth of tumor cells, according to the study.
Harvard Medical School researchers also supported Warburg's findings that growing tumor cells can crowd out the oxygen-carrying blood vessels needed for most cells to survive. In turn, some cancer cells learn to survive without oxygen, using the glycolytic pathway instead. When the Harvard researchers blocked one of the pathways' enzymes, LDHA, it essentially shut down the glycolytic process in breast cancer cells. Those cells, in turn, were far less deadly when implanted into animals than typical tumor cells, once again suggesting that the sugar-cancer link is real. In fact, many studies have looked into the link and revealed that there's a definite connection between sugar consumption and cancer:
  • Women who ate the most high-glycemic-load foods were close to three times more likely to develop colorectal cancer.
  • High blood sugar levels, caused by health conditions like diabetes along with eating too many sugary foods, have been linked to cancers of the pancreas, skin, uterus, urinary tract and breast. Further, women with the highest blood sugar levels were found to have a 26 percent higher risk of developing cancer than those with the lowest.
  • Women with the highest carbohydrate intake (62 percent of their diet or more) were more than twice as likely to develop breast cancer than those with a lower carb intake (52 percent or less).
Does the Type of Sugar Matter? Another recent study, this one by researchers from the University of California Los Angeles, found that a certain type of sugar -- fructose -- appears to feed cancer cells even more than glucose. The researchers "fed" both glucose and fructose to pancreatic cancer cells in lab dishes and found that although the cells thrived on glucose, they used fructose to divide and increase proliferation.
This may explain why past studies have linked fructose consumption with pancreatic cancer. The findings were so significant that the researchers suggested limiting the intake of refined fructose (found in soda and many other processed sweets) may disrupt cancer growth.
Should You Avoid Sugar to Lower Your Cancer Risk? Eliminating sugar from your diet is one strategy you can take to lower your cancer risk, but in most cases even limiting or moderating sugar will be an improvement. In light of recent research, you may want to start by limiting your consumption of fructose, such as high fructose corn syrup, first.
Even if you're not convinced of the research suggesting sugar is the "preferred" fuel for cancer cells, limiting sugar in your diet is important nonetheless. This is because sugar is a source of empty calories, one that can contribute to obesity as well as elevated insulin levels -- both of which can increase your cancer risk.
You should particularly avoid sugary foods in the morning, as a burst of refined sugar on an empty stomach will trigger a rapid rise in blood sugar, followed by a surge of insulin that will suppress your immune system and feed any abnormal cells, which are common in everyone's body. Still, remember that sugar is only one factor that may contribute to cancer.
From a dietary perspective, sugar should be only a minimum part of your diet, while nutrient-dense foods -- dark green leafy vegetables, deep orange vegetables, high-quality lean protein, healthy fats -- should be the focus. Of course, this doesn't mean you're not allowed to indulge your sweet tooth on occasion. As part of a healthy diet, a bit of sugar here and there is unlikely to cause any major problems. Just remember to regard sweets as treats, not staple foods, and be sure your meals are comprised of healthy, low-sugar foods most of the time.

A Little Prayer That Helped to Create Miracles

I'd like to tell a true story of how I believe prayer helps to create miracles.
This is truly for those who are in despair right now. And I only hope that somehow this helps.
I am so grateful to God for His help He has given to our family, I feel this story must be passed to others. God and the Doctors who used His gift of healing, they too have our thanks.
There are many people in this world who are suffering through the dreaded disease of cancer, I hope this gives them a little hope and help those who are suffering. What our John and family went through has to be past on to others, in order to let them know there is a God above.
We were never church goers, and still we don't attend, we do however give thanks every day for what God has given us.
My son of 36 fell ill with cancer. He is a redhead with a fair complexion. It all started as a mole on his back. When the Doctor saw the mole, he removed a particle and had it analyzed. He said he believed he had caught it in time.
Six months later John, my son, had pains in his back and visited a Chiropractor for treatment. Eventually the pain grew worse so it was decided he have an x-ray. Nothing was found and the pain continued. The Doctors decided to put a dye in his blood in order to see why he should be in so much pain. When a further x-ray was taken it found that one of his ribs was covered with cancer.
All of the those families who have gone through this know all about the feeling and despair this brings about. When John had an operation, it was found that not only was one rib infected, but the tissue between the ribs were the covered with the cancer. It was therefore decided they would take out three ribs, the original, one above and one below.
As I do marketing on the internet, I know a lot of people who have become friends over the years. These friends are spread all over the globe. I informed them of my John's plight.
One friend in particular, Bob and Judy Gill from New Zealand, were going to a gathering of friends where they were offering prayers. I know there were a lot more people there for this meeting. John and our family were so grateful to them for their prayers.
So many good people that day prayed for John, we certainly know with this help we were heard.
There were others in other parts of the world, I will not forget. I thank them also for their help and thoughts. We did not know at the time, but John was in worse trouble than we realized, and we thought he was in enough. For, when the Doctor removed his ribs and all the cancer he could, it was found that a lump of cancer was against his spinal cord and could not be removed.
The Doctors felt it would be impossible to remove without causing more damage. They felt that removing it while it was there would be too dangerous. They left it where it was and felt the chances of him surviving was not good at all.
John knew of this but did not tell the family. We knew nothing at all. He was so brave to keep it all to himself. An amazing thing happened, even the Doctors were amazed and had never heard of such a thing happening before. We have had so many discussions later but it really has never been answered. John's body repaired itself.
I know it sounds something from, well I have to say it was from God. The cancer just disappeared. As I said the Doctors could not get over it. The lump of cancer on his spine, one day when the Doctors gave him a cat scan, it just wasn't there. As you can imagine, there were many theories, the final analysis was that the mother cancer had been destroyed and the last piece just disintegrated. Our prayers had been answered.
John spent the next 18 months improving every day. He was just at the point of returning to work when he began to feel ill again. We prayed it was not the cancer returning, for we had been informed that it could return, due to the cancer had entered his blood and could show up anywhere in his body.
We had been told to prepare ourselves. I can remember many things that have happened over the years, but remembering the pain he was suffering while waiting in the emergency room will stay with me forever. To see your own son in agony as he was, and unable to help, is the worst feeling a person could have in this world.
Eventually, when we were able to see a Doctor, the Doctor was shocked when he saw him. For John was completely white, no color whatsoever. The Doctor said he had lost all his red corpuscles, he immediately arranged for a transfusion. John eventually had 8 transfusions.
He then went for a cat-scan to inspect his stomach, where the pain was. It was found John had 14 tumors in his intestines. 14!. It was late at night but the surgeon was called and they all met. It was decided there an then he was too far advanced they could do nothing. The family were told the news.
Well, I don't have to tell you how we felt. However, something that can only be called a another miracle, the Surgeon, came to John's bedside the next morning and informed him he was going to operate. He went on to say, John, I saw your crucifix around your neck and I went home and I talked to the man upstairs and he said I have to give you a chance. Can you believe this, God was once again helping John. They operated that morning, they found one tumor so large that was sure to have busted that very day. They however, found 6 of the tumors were in-operable.
Those 6 tumors were on blood vessels and it was impossible to remove them. Once again John was given the news and was expected not to live. When part of the intestines are cut away, they are joined by stitches. Well, in order to know if the operation has been a success, the patient, after time passes wind. This is how they know everything is fine. Usually this happens after 7 or 8 days. In the meantime the patent receives juice and water. After 10 days John had never passed anything, wind or anything.
The Surgeon came to his room to examine him. He pressed his stomach and the stitches broke and the water and juice he had been taking exploded from his stomach. The liquid, instead of passing into the jar he had attached, remained in his stomach. He was rushed back into the operating room and the cavity of his stomach was cleansed, due to the fear of infection. The surgeon repaired the break in his intestines, stitched him up once again, and started the wait for wind to be passed once again. Another 10 days elapsed, nothing happened, the Surgeons were once again worried. They eventually did another scan and found that the connection from his stomach to the intestines was blocked. The outlet had somehow scarred and there was no outlet. They, the surgeons had go in again and make a completely new connection from his stomach to his intestines. Apparently, where he was been opened was becoming very problematic. They felt this would be quite simple to do, however, their worry was the scar tissue, as the stomach had been opened so many times this would give them trouble. They were pleased to inform us that it was not easy to do, but the operation was successful.
John had gone through this over a 6 week period, and we began to realize the power of prayer. John was loved by everyone in the hospital for his strength. He was wonderful. I believe he knew everyone in the hospital, because he walked the corridors just about every day. The nurses gave him extra care, they were all so wonderful.
His family was with him for many hours every day, and worried about him when we were not there. Our family have always been close, and what happened that Xmas time we would never have imagined. John had been through something that no-one could ever imagine, our prayers were ever constant during this horrible time. God came through, because John was able eventually to pass the wind that was required.
The Surgeons said there was never any way they could have ever gone in there again. Now, John still had one big problem. The 6 tumors the Surgeons had to leave behind were still in there. During all this time John had been living with this tremendous ordeal, the problem, those 6 tumors were still there. 6 tumors on his blood vessels in his intestines.
Well, in accordance to all the books on cancer, the impossible happened. If you ever questioned if there was a God, this is the proof he is there to help those who believe.
John today, is as fit as anyone can be. John has his own business. He works hard in a busy job, he is happy with what he does, and he is so grateful with his escape from cancer.
Unknown the reason why, but his body once again removed those 6 tumors. Yes, John was saved again, I am sure for a reason.
He did however have another session of extreme pain and believe it or not another miracle. John started once again to have severe pain in his stomach. He again was rushed into hospital. When he was examined it was found that his colon was leaking. The dripping had caused two abscesses, and they attached themselves to the colon.
Remember, I was impossible to operate through his stomach. Fortunately, one of the abscesses was in the front of the colon, so the surgeon was able to make a small incision and remove it quite easily. However the other one was attached to the other side of the colon and was impossible to get at. Ask yourself, how could this happen again. The Surgeons were faced with a problem that they feared there was not an answer. They could not operate for the scar tissue was in a terrible state, but for some reason God came through again.
Putting this in writing like this seems to be inadequate, for the impossible happened. The abscesses that was behind the colon broke off from it's position and floated next to John's skin. It now became a simple matter for the Surgeon to make a small incision. Once again God had acted. I assure you the Surgeon was flabbergasted. Removal of those two abysses was a simple procedure.
John now is a volunteer, he talks to many who are suffering with cancer, and who are happy to have someone who knows. He also has taken over the Prostate Cancer group which meets every two weeks for general discussion. John has become very wise, how he endeavors to get the message across. He is happy now to do this, and gets a great kick out of the help he gives to those who need it.
He is now in recession and has been for 5 years, he still gets pain in his stomach but he is completely active and holds down an occupation.
He works hard each day. He owns a one ton truck and he is a courier for Greyhound and is very successful and happy. We, the Mortons, feel we have been given something that is priceless, and we cherish what we have learnt. We bless the day we asked the good Lord for help. Thank you God. Anyone who wishes to discuss this time we have endured, are welcome.
We have always felt, we would like to do something for the Cancer Society, John does his part and he is really appreciated. We however have thought it would be wonderful if we could come up with something.
In 1931 a Doctor received the Nobel Prize for discovering that cancer and other horrible illnesses could not establish themselves in an alkaline body, yet in an acidic body those same illness grow rampant.
If you ask your Doctor this question, he/her will say that is correct.
My question is now, why aren't we told of this, and why aren't we told how to get an alkaline body?
What I am going to say now, will upset a lot of people, but it needs to be said.
It is my belief that Doctors are nothing else but pill pushers, why do I believe this? Doctors should think of PREVENTION, not TREATMENT all the time.
We all can see what is going on in this world, huge fat people, illnesses that have never been around as they are now, yet Doctors still do the same thing, looking after treatment, and not prevention.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Asbestos Attorneys: Who Are They?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the name Asbestos is given to a number of naturally occurring, fibrous silicate minerals that are mined for use due to their thermal insulation, chemical and thermal stability and high tensile strength qualities. A lot of products commonly used today contain asbestos, for example, fire-proof, thermal insulation and other building materials. Some clothes are even made from this material because of its heat-resistant qualities.
However, as popular as this material is; Asbestos is a common cause of cancer. Scientific research of recent has revealed that it is a cancer-producing agent. It is therefore, because of unlawful exposure to this carcinogenic material that people need Asbestos Attorneys to help them investigate and ultimately defend them in the event of confirmation of disease due to this material in order to get properly compensated especially if it was due to no fault of theirs.
However, the major problem here is how to find these attorneys and how to also test their reliability and capability to successfully investigate, verify and if need be represent the victim in court. Getting it wrong at this stage may as well turn an honest claim for compensation into a no-trial, simply because it has not been well handled.
The first step a victim of disease emanating from inhalation of the dust from this material has to take is to verify the level of experience of the would-be attorney. The question here is 'does the asbestos attorney have any experience in this area?' 'Has he/she carried out any research, investigation into any case similar to this present one?
A lot of cases related to this issue has been lost and no compensation derived due largely to the inexperience of the lawyer(s) handling the case or investigation not been properly carried out or lack of proper and adequate evidence to back up the claims. So, before you step, make sure you have a team of reliable and well-tested lawyers to significantly increase your chance of winning.

Linking Asbestos and Cancer

The link between Asbestos and Cancer has been discovered since the late 1960's but it was not only until the past few years that it has become well publicized and the awareness creation scaled up to a very high level.
The name given to a large number of naturally occurring fibrous silicate minerals is Asbestos. It uses are numerous based on its range properties which include high tensile strength, acoustic insulation, thermal insulation, chemical and thermal stability. A lot of products used today contain asbestos especially in the building sector but not restricted to this sector.
Exposure to asbestos especially dusts or fibres containing it over a period of time can lead to cancer. The most common form developed through been exposed is known as Mesothelioma. Research over the years and the investigation of different case studies has made it clear that there is an obvious relationship between victims and exposure to the material. The sad issue here is that developing mesothelioma may also occur through secondary exposure, that is, in the household, family members coming in contact with work clothes and other items from work place.
Mesothelioma is a serious illness which is oftentimes mistaken for another respiratory condition and the wrong diagnosis leads to it becoming malignant and therefore fatal. It sometimes takes the malignant form as long as thirty years or more symptoms to appear after exposure meaning that often the condition is already at the later stages before been detected leading to a low survival rate of victims.
If you have worked in an asbestos related industry or any building site, insulation or thermal/fire-proofing material production company or you live with any such person, going for a medical check-up is the most appropriate line of action to take and the action must be taken now not later in the future.
Symptoms include breathing difficulties, chest constriction, cough, blood stained vomiting. The occurrence of any of these symptoms needs to be taken seriously and a doctor's attention is required immediately especially if the symptoms persists after 2 weeks.

What Are Asbestos Settlements?

Since bringing to the fore of the health hazard constituted by asbestos beginning in the late 1960's, there had been so many cases of asbestos settlements in the United States and in fact in the whole of the western world. Some cases has led to victims been compensated while in some cases the verdict was against the victims. And still in some case the verdicts had been challenged and later overturned.
Exposure to asbestos has been proved to be the primary cause of a vast number of deadly diseases and these include cancer. The material had been used frequently in building because of its thermal and insulation properties but has also be scientifically proven carcinogenic in nature which means long time exposure to it results in dire consequences for the victims.
Helping the victim of exposure related with money to cover medical expenses was the sole purpose of asbestos settlements. It is also meant to cater for incapacity benefit, that is, compensation for the loss of income over the years. However, over the years, there has been numerous allegations of it been turned into a full-fledged enterprise where the attorneys are the big winners since they get a part of the settlement fees as reward for fighting the different cases.
There is no specific formula for estimating the valuation of a settlement as there are a lot of factors to consider carefully before the final verdict and these could be very difficult since some of the factors are subjective rather than quantifiable. Questions like age when exposed? How long the exposure was for? What is the victim's potential earning capacity? Settlements worth billions have been given in asbestos lawsuits; settlements worth billions more are pending in various courts worldwide.
It is therefore, imperative to acquire the services of an experience team of attorneys who can perform the investigative stage perfectly and compile evidences in a compelling manner so as to help the court reach a verdict as quickly as possible. Without this aspect done correctly, you've got a no-case. So try to choose wisely and you and your family will smile in the end.

Lung Cancer Alternative Treatments and Options

As of 2010 lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths for both men and women in the U.S.A and also worldwide. It is the number two most diagnosed cancer in men (first is prostate cancer), and the number two most diagnosed in women (first is breast cancer) in the U.S.A. Because the 5-year survival rate in lung cancer patients is approximately 14%, this diagnosis is a very serious and frightening thing. Do lung cancer alternative treatments exist? Yes, they do.
It is important to understand that you can use conventional cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation), and also use alternative treatments at the same time. The alternative treatments will not interfere with the effectiveness of the conventional treatments. In fact, by boosting the immune system, they can actually help your body deal with the severe side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
Natural and alternative treatments for cancer of the lung or any other type of cancer target the immune system and the whole body. This is because all cancer is caused by a failure of the immune system to do its job of finding and killing mutant cells.
We all have cancerous cells in our bodies at all times, this occurs because something damages the DNA of a cell, causing it to mutate. All cells regularly divide and replace themselves. If the old cell has DNA that has been damaged or mutated, the new cell that is produced will also have this same damaged DNA. It will continue to reproduce the mutation, and you will get cancer.
Your immune system is programmed to find and destroy these mutated cells, and it normally does this very effectively. However, if the immune system is weak or has also been damaged, some of the cancerous cells may not be destroyed, which means they will continue to replicate, and a tumor will form.
This is why the first priority of all lung cancer alternative treatments is to strengthen and boost the immune system, so it can do its job of finding and destroying cancerous cells. In most cases this is done through dietary changes and the addition of different types of supplements. There are also some very effective treatments that are administered only in a clinic setting.
Many people do not know that specialized alternative cancer clinics exist, and they use cutting edge procedures, equipment and drugs to successfully treat all types of cancer. These clinics are located mainly in Germany and Mexico, and a few can be found in the U.S.A. The alternative cancer treatments in these clinics can be extremely effective.
If you have been diagnosed with this disease, you know how serious your situation is. Do as much as your can to boost your immune system immediately by improving your diet, and then research your treatment options. Be sure to pay special attention to the treatments available at alternative cancer clinics, especially those in Germany and Mexico.

Know the Facts About Mesothelioma

Thousands of new cases of mesothelioma are reported each year, yet many people do not understand the disease or its symptoms. The following paragraphs will discuss the facts about mesothelioma, its symptoms, and its treatments.
What is Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a rare type of lung cancer that is usually caused by asbestos exposure. More common among men, this cancer usually just affects the lining of the lungs but can at times also affect the abdominal region. There are various types of mesothelioma, some of which are benign. It is important that any suspected cases be reported to a physician promptly. Symptoms of Mesothelioma Lung symptoms are usually the first to catch the attention of a patient.
Possible lung symptoms with mesothelioma include chest pain, shortness of breath, chronic cough, and at times even visible tumors under the skin around the chest area. Other common symptoms include weight loss, swelling of the abdomen, nausea, erratic heartbeat, and more. If any of these symptoms occur in a person who knows or suspects that they have been exposed to asbestos, they should be evaluated immediately. Treatment Options Unfortunately, all malignant types of mesothelioma are not curable at this time.
Life expectancy varies greatly based on many factors, including how aggressively the cancer is treated. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination of these. Doctors will usually treat the disease via several modes to extend the life expectancy of the patient as much as possible. Mesothelioma is not a common cancer but it does affect thousands of individuals annually.
Prevention is the most effective way of avoiding the suffering caused by mesothelioma, as the cause is usually from asbestos exposure. For individual's already suffering from the disease, education can be the key to getting as much enjoyment out of life as possible.

Different Types of Mesothelioma

Malignant Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is most commonly associated with asbestos exposure. In fact the only known cause for the pathogenesis of malignant mesothelioma is asbestos. This cancer affects the areas of the human body where mesothelial cells are found.
Pleural Mesothelioma comprises the majority of malignant mesothelioma cases. This is the type of malignant mesothelioma that affects the pleura, which is the lining of the lungs. Approximately 70% of all cases of malignant mesothelioma occur in the pleura. As asbestos fibers that are sloughed off of asbestos containing products get inhaled by humans, these then get lodged in the lining of the lungs. The human body has no capability of physiologically eliminating such fibers. In time, these accumulated fibers will find they way into the mesothelial cells of the pleura. These asbestos fibers are considered foreign bodies by the body. Thus, their presence causes reactive inflammatory processes to occur, which is manifested by pleural thickening, plaque formations, vasculitis and even effusions. As the disease progresses, the thickening of the parietal and visceral pleura causes the narrowing of the pleural space. In time, the two leaves of the pleura rub against each other. These processes are manifested as dyspnea, rales and even chest pain or discomfort, fatigue, and weight loss in the patient. Continued hypertrophy of mesothelial cells due to the assaultive presence of these fibers will then result in the formation of tumors. On average, it takes about 40 years from exposure to these fibers to the manifestation of first symptoms.
Peritoneal mesothelioma comprises about 20 to 25% of all malignant mesothelioma cases. This is the type of mesothelioma that affects the mesothelial cells of peritoneum. As asbestos fibers come into contact with the mesothelial cells, they effect changes that cause the cells to multiply without restraint, and to thicken. Ascites also occurs. Together, these cause pressure buildup in the abdominal cavity. This pressure affects the other internal organs and causes them to deteriorate. Intestinal obstruction often ensues. Thromboses of intestinal veins as well as hypoglycemia, and anemia are common initial symptoms. Lesions can vary from single tumors, small diffuse tumors, or calcified nodules.
Pericardial mesothelioma comprises about 5% of all cases of malignant mesothelioma. This is the least common type of mesothelioma. With pericardial mesothelioma, malignant tumors are found on the pericardium, the fibrous tissue sac surrounding the heart. It is speculated that the way asbestos fibers travel to the heart is through the lymphatic system or through the cardiovascular patient. As with the other types of mesothelioma, asbestos fibers cause the cells of the pericardium to thicken. This thickening affects pressure on the chambers of the heart. This in turn causes severe shortness of breath, chest pain, as well as thromboses in the veins. In time, the thickening also causes the mesothelial cells to undergo unrestricted division and growth, leading to the formation of tumors. As with the other types, the excess pressure buildup from the tumor growth puts pressure on the heart contributing to congestive heart failure.

The Stages of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma treatment is tailored uniquely for each individual patient. Often the stage of the malignant mesothelioma at diagnosis dictates treatment options. Staging of a particular disease also helps the medical team in not only planning treatment but also in prognosis estimation as well as in the identification of existing clinical trials that the patient may be eligible for. Three systems of staging are currently being used for pleural mesothelioma. None is being used for peritoneal mesothelioma.
Knowledge of how a particular cancer develops is pertinent to the process of staging. Certain staging systems cover only a specific cancer while others can be used to cover a variety of types. Some common elements are found in most staging systems, namely, location of the primary tumor, size of tumor, number of tumors, lymph node involvement, histology type, grade of tumor and presence of metastasis.
To determine accurately the stage of any cancer, physicians usually rely on a variety of techniques. These include physical examinations, imaging techniques including roentgenograms, CT scans, MRIs, and PET scans. Examination of the patient's blood, urine, serum and biopsy of tissues may also provide helpful clues. Tumor markers may also be used. Pathology reports are very helpful in providing information about the exact size of the tumor, the tumor's extension into neighboring structures, and the tumor's histology and grade. Surgical reports also render aid to staging.
The most common cancer staging system being used for mesothelioma is the TNM (primary tumor, regional lymph nodes, distant metastases) system. Stage I is assigned when the mesothelioma only involves pleura, ipsilateral lung, ipsilateral pericardium, and ipsilateral diaphragm. Lymph nodes are unaffected. Stage II is assigned when the mesothelioma has already involved the nearby hilar lymph nodes on the contralateral side. The lung, pericardium, or diaphragm on the contralateral side may also be involved. Stage III is assigned when the mesothelioma has spread to involve the chest wall, soft tissues, ribs, heart, esophagus and/or other organs in the chest cavity in the ipsilateral side. Lymph nodes may or may have not spread to the lymph nodes on the same side as the primary tumor. Stage IV is assigned when the disease has either already spread into the lymph nodes of the chest on the contralateral side of the primary tumor, extended to the contralateral pleura, or have extended to the organs in the abdominal cavity or neck. Presence of distant metastases is considered Stage IV.
The Butchart System is the oldest staging system for cancers. It is also the most commonly used system of staging for all types of cancer. The extent of the primary tumor mass is the main basis of this system. Stage I is assigned when mesothelioma is located in either pleura, or on the ipsilateral diaphragm. Stage II is assigned when the mesothelioma has spread into the chest wall, esophagus, heart or pleura on both sides. The lymph nodes in the chest may also be affected. Stage III is assigned when the mesothelioma has invaded the diaphragm and has reached the peritoneum. Lymph nodes outside the chest may also be involved. Stage IV is assigned when there is evidence of distant metastases.
The Brigham System is the latest system to be developed. Resectability and lymph node involvement is the basis of this system. Stage I is assigned when mesothelioma is still resectable, with no lymph node involvement. Stage II is assigned when mesothelioma is resectable but lymph nodes are involved. Stage III is assigned when the mesothelioma is unresectable, has spread to neighboring chest structures, and may or may not have extrathoracic lymph node involvement. Stage IV is assigned when there are distant metastases.

Mesothelioma Cancer - What Is It All About?

How is Mesothelioma cancer caused?
Mesothelioma cancer is a highly fatal disease which can impact the health conditions of a patient and it is one of the rarest forms of cancer. Anyone who is having the symptoms of this disease should undergo proper medical diagnosis to find out the status of malignant mesothelioma in order to take necessary treatment. It is caused because of continuous exposure to asbestos and this cancer is also called "asbestos lung cancer" as it mainly affects the lungs. The people who are exposed to asbestos at their workplace or home inhale the asbestos fibers which enter the pleural cavity through air canals. This leads to fluid buildup between pleural membranes which are important for movement of vital body organs. Because of this fluid buildup, respiratory problems and other symptoms of the cancer start appearing. The name Mesothelioma is based on the fact that this cancer affects the mesothelial cells which form the internal membrane which helps in movement of vital body organs. Also these cells are highly important for body's immune system.
Types of Mesothelioma Cancer:
There are different types of cancer cells and it is difficult to diagnose mesothelioma during its early stages as the symptoms mostly resemble other common diseases. In mesothelioma cancer, the abdomen and lungs of patients have greater liability of getting affected. There are 3 different types of mesothelioma cancer which includes pericardial mesothelioma which affect region surrounding the heart, peritoneal mesothelioma which affects the abdominal cavity and pleural mesothelioma which affects the pleural membrane and lungs. Each type of mesothelioma cancer has its own symptoms and has to be treated accordingly. The disease usually occurs only for people who are exposed to asbestos for more than a decade.
Mesothelioma Cancer treatment Methods:
There are various curative procedures for treating this deadly cancer. Only if the disease is diagnosed early there are chances of curing it. Some of the treatment methods include gene therapy, radiation therapy, chemo therapy and surgeries. Patients who are having the symptoms of this disease should seek medical attention immediately and get themselves diagnosed. If the symptoms are ignored and disease is found at later stages, it is very difficult to save the patient's life. There are certain palliative treatment procedures which can reduce the pain and enhance patient's life quality and extend his life duration. New treatments procedures like gene therapy, photodynamic therapy and angiogenesis have been under research which claims to save the patient's life and cure this disease completely.

Mesothelioma Symptoms Based on Types of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma being a rare form of cancer has very high latency period, which indicates that the development of the disease usually takes several years of exposure to asbestos. Patients who are under asbestos will not observe any symptoms till several decades of exposure to asbestos. Since the symptoms of mesothelioma are common to other less serious diseases, lots of patients do not realize the presence of this disease and ignore these symptoms. There are 3 different categories of mesothelioma - pleural mesothelioma, pericardial mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma and each category has its own symptoms.
Pleural Mesothelioma symptoms
It is the most common category of mesothelioma which affects the pleural lining between the lungs. The common symptoms of this form of cancer include,
1. Painful breathing
2. Continuous Chronic cough
3. Fever and Night sweats
4. Unanticipated Weight loss
5. Fatigue
6. Blood spill during cough
7. Difficulty in swallowing food
Patients having this cancer also develop lumps of skin below their chest. The disease symptoms usually develop due to thickening of pleural lining that happens because of fluid build-up between the membrane layers. Accumulation of fluid and pleural thickening results in pressure on lungs, which reduces the breathing capacity of lungs and causes other respiratory problems.
Peritoneal mesothelioma Symptoms:
Another category of this cancer is peritoneal mesothelioma which develops in abdominal region of the body. Around thirty percent of cases of mesothelioma have been reported to be peritoneal mesothelioma. The symptoms of this form of cancer include,
1. Pain and swelling in abdomen
2. Variation in bowel habits
3. Vomiting and Nausea
4. Fatigues and unexplained weight loss
5. Lumps of skin below abdomen
6. Anemia
7. Fever and night sweats etc.
The symptoms occur because of thickening of peritoneal membrane which is important for movement of organs inside abdominal cavity. It is due to accumulation of fluid between the layers of this membrane which causes pressure on abdomen and organs inside it.
Pericardial Mesothelioma symptoms:
It is the rarest form of cancer among the three types and occurs in very less percentage. Pericardial mesothelioma infects the regions surrounding heart and is highly dangerous. The symptoms include,
1. Fatigue
2. Pain in chest
3. Breathing trouble
4. Heart Palpitations
5. Night sweats
It is very difficult to diagnose this disease and the prognosis is very poor. Patients who have exposure to asbestos on continuous basis should always seek medical attention and get themselves diagnosed for this dangerous disease as early as possible when they observe any of the above mentioned symptoms.

Lung Cancer Tips

Lung cancer is one of the most deadliest type of cancers for both women and men. The combination of breast, colon, and prostate cancer cannot equal the number of people that die of lung cancer annually. The more you know about this deadly disease, the better chance you have of prevention.
Because lung cancer is a condition that occurs over time, it rarely affects people under the age of 45.
Of course we already know that cigarette smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer.
Some of the things that are a bit more conspicuous and contribute to the risk of lung cancer are: air pollution, arsenic in the drinking water, radon gas, asbestos, coal products, gasoline, and diesel exhaust fumes.
Because some of these things, such as breathing, are a necessity, we need to take other precautions and preventative measures to compensate for the pollution we inhale.
If we start with the most obvious prevention we know quitting smoking is it. Related to this is avoiding smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.
There is evidence that increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of lung cancer. Associated with this is regular exercise which can also lower the risk of this cancer.
There are findings that curcumin and beta carotene supplements can neutralize lung cancer cells. Green tea and vitamin C also can help in this area, the reason is all of these supplements are either anti inflammatory or anti oxidants. Many of these supplement are readily available in health food stores and even local supermarkets. You want to pay attention to quality, the high quantity, low priced supplements found in discount stores rarely provide any benefits. Unfortunately our food supply has diminished in nutrients and you just can't eat enough of them to provide the protection you need. You might try hydrated fruits and vegetable in powdered form, these supplements are labeled as organic and mix well with fruit juice and cereal.
Of course, you must always consult with your Physician about any changes you're going to make to your health program. There are Physicians that have both a medical and holistic degree, if you are fortunate enough to find a Dr. that practices both disciplines, then definitely keep them informed about what you are taking.
Since we live In a society where pollutants and toxins are at high levels, we need to get even more educated about causes and prevention.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Pediatric Brain Tumors and Brain Cancer Alter the Definition of Normal

For most of us, today will begin like any other day. We'll sip our coffee, skim the morning paper, drop the kids off at school, and perform the normal rituals that make up our daily lives. The good, the bad, and yes, even the somewhat ugly; we'll tackle it all with confidence and a sense of comfort, knowing that tomorrow, as routine as it may be, we'll get to do it all over again.
But, for several families across America, today will be different. Today will be life-changing.
• Nine families will learn their child has a brain or spinal cord tumor;
• Three families will mourn the loss of their child to this dreadful disease; and
• Six families will transition to survivorship.
Each year, an estimated 3,400 children in the United States are diagnosed with a brain tumor or brain cancer. Approximately one-third of these children will survive no more than five years, making this the deadliest of all childhood cancers. For the families of these kids, there will never be another "normal" day. Their days will now be filled with medical appointments, treatment options, and learning how to operate within a new definition of "normal."
Thankfully, hope springs eternal. The survival rate for children with brain tumors and brain cancer has increased significantly over the past twenty years. Advancements in research have resulted in better treatment methods, improvements in the quality of life and the long-term outlook for these young patients. However, survival does bring with it an all-new set of unique challenges. Treatments can cause damaging late effects on survivors; effects that range from cognitive impairment, to physical challenges, to social isolation.
Collaborations between nonprofit organizations, research foundations and leading medical institutions have proven to be instrumental in the fight against these childhood cancers. By joining forces, these groups are able to connect the best of the best to keep research moving forward, raise public awareness, and provide support to the patients and families who need it.
Several non-profit organizations have been established over the years to provide help to families who find themselves on this new and very difficult life path. Most of these groups offer resources for education, assistance with medical and financial services, and much-needed emotional support through a variety of family outreach programs and special events.
These nonprofit organizations work tirelessly in their battle to make pediatric brain tumors and brain cancers a disease of the past. They are continually searching for research partners, corporate sponsors, and private foundations to help support ongoing research. Individual donations are also critical to the success of these organizations. While much work is being done, and progress is being made, the need to raise awareness, fund research, and provide support is ongoing.
A quick Internet search and a few simple clicks of the mouse will land you on the website of one of these dedicated, nonprofit organizations. Once there, you'll likely find an abundance of valuable information, along with resources and opportunities to help. Why not spend a little time today learning more about this devastating disease? Perhaps, make a donation, or even sign on as a volunteer. Not only can you help to redefine "normal" for these kids and their families; you might just alter your own idea of "normal" as well.

The Brain Tumor Symptoms

The symptoms of brain tumor vary from patient to patient, and most of these symptoms can also be found in people without brain tumors. So the only way to know if you really have a brain tumor or not is to consult your doctor and get a brain scan.
Headache is the symptom that is common with 46% of patients with tumors. They described this headache in a different way and no reason is a sure sign of a brain tumor for many. Perhaps most people have headaches at some point in their lives, so it is not sure sign of brain tumors. You should talk to your doctor if your headaches are different than you've ever had, with nausea / vomiting, aggravated by bending or effort to go to the bathroom.
Seizures: This was the second most common symptom reported, with 33% of patients reporting a seizure before the diagnosis was made. Seizures can be caused by other things, such high fever, as epilepsy, stroke, trauma and other disorders. This is a symptom that should never be ignored, whatever the cause. In a person who has never had a seizure before, it usually indicates something serious and you should get a brain scan.
A crisis is a sudden and involuntary change in behavior, muscle control, consciousness, and / or sensation. Symptoms can vary from attack and sudden loss of consciousness total agitation of the violent shaking or slight shaking of a limb. A person can experience blurred vision, slurred speech or staring into space and doing other odd behaviors, while having a seizure. About 10% of United States population will experience a single seizure in their lives.
Nausea and Vomiting: As with headaches, these are non-specific - meaning that most people who have nausea and vomiting do not have a brain tumor. Twenty-two percent of our respondents said nausea / vomiting as a symptom.
Nausea and / or vomiting are more likely to look for a brain tumor which is accompanied by other symptoms mentioned here.
Vision problems or hearing: Twenty-five percent reported vision problems first. It is not easy if you have a problem with your hearing or sight, to be extracted. I have often heard that the eye doctor is the first to make diagnoses. When you look in your eyes, sometimes you can see the signs more. Intracranial pressure, because it must be studied.
Problems with the weakness of the arms, legs and facial muscles, and strange sensations in the head or hands: Twenty-five percent reported weakness in the arms or legs. Sixteen percent expressed feelings of weird and strange sensations in there head. This can lead to an altered gait, falling objects, falls, or asymmetric facial expression. These can be symptoms of a stroke. Sudden onset of symptoms is an emergency - you should go to medical emergencies. If you notice a gradual change over time, you should know

Strength in Numbers: The Value of Collaboration in Pediatric Brain Cancer Research

Scientific research is the key component in the battle to cure pediatric brain tumors and brain cancer. Its success points directly to the value of collaborations among researchers, medical facilities, nonprofit organizations and even private philanthropies. These groups often come together with a common purpose, and join forces to work towards a single goal - finding a cure for this terrible childhood disease.
There are many such collaborative efforts taking place in the area of pediatric brain cancer, which is considered to be the deadliest of all childhood cancers. For instance, there is the newly established, Brain Tumor Tissue Consortium, involving the Children's Brain Tumor Foundation and researchers at several leading pediatric oncology hospitals nationwide. This consortium enables researchers to obtain samples of brain tumor tissue that can be used to evaluate treatments. The results can then be documented in a database that can be shared with pediatric cancer facilities across the country.
The result of another such partnership recently came by way of a landmark study of medulloblastoma*, a type of brain tumor typically found in children. (*"The Genetic Landscape of the Childhood Cancer Medulloblastoma," Science, published online, December 16, 2010). The large, multi-center study defines the genetic landscape of this cancer, and holds intriguing clues to gene changes on signaling pathways that may become fruitful targets for future therapies. This is a very significant and hopeful finding, and one that researchers, doctors and parents alike are celebrating.
There are a number of other, ongoing research programs that also center on establishing better treatment methods, reducing the adverse side effects of these treatments, and increasing the number of survivors. While progress is being made, it continues to be challenging for a number of reasons:
  • There are many different kinds of children's brain and spinal cord tumors, which has stymied research as investigators face the challenges of collecting and analyzing tissue;
  • Because the disease is rare and tissue samples of tumors are small, it takes time to test and validate new treatment options; and
  • Funds for research and treatment options are limited, due to the relatively low rate of incidence, compared to other childhood cancers and diseases.
While the incidence rate of pediatric brain tumors and brain cancers may be relatively low, with approximately 3,400 children diagnosed each year, nearly one in three of these children will not survive more than five years. And, those who do survive will likely suffer damaging, long-term effects from the very treatments that saved them. However, due to the dedicated research that has taken place over the last twenty years, there have been noticeable decreases in the overall cancer death rates. The research taking place today will hopefully, someday help to minimize the side effects and allow these survivors to live longer, healthier lives.
We read about breakthroughs in medical research every day, and when we do, we applaud the researchers, and rejoice for those who might benefit from the results. We celebrate the success of the research programs, as we should; but it's important to understand the efforts behind the breakthroughs. It requires unwavering dedication from the researchers, doctors and other medical professionals, tremendous commitment from the nonprofit organizations that help promote the cause, and an extraordinary sense of charity from the financial supporters. Talk about a collaborative effort! There likely would be no breakthroughs; no success stories to celebrate were it not for the alliances formed by these remarkable groups of people.
To learn more about current research efforts in the area of pediatric brain cancer, make a donation, or find out how you might become a partner in one of these collaborative programs, contact one of the many nonprofit organizations or medical research facilities focused on bringing an end to this dreadful disease. Many together can accomplish more than one, alone.

What Are The Symptoms And Stages Of a Brain Tumor?

From the latest research in the field of medicine it is evident that there are lots of patients who are suffering from the painful condition of brain tumor. It is a disease which has taken many lives and still many are struggling hard to survive from this detrimental syndrome. For the cure, many neurologists have been successful in fighting back this disease but still there is a lot more to do to face this challenge. And for this reason, the experts from cancer treatment and radiation therapy are coming forward to participate in the fight against cancer.
Brain tumor is a very harmful and dangerous disease. It only results in the patient's death if it is not controlled in its earlier stage. By reading this article you will know more about Brain tumor, its symptoms and its treatment process. This information will be helpful if you are suffering from the same condition.
There are many symptoms of brain tumor which neurologist describe. Among them, the most common symptoms are Headaches, Nausea, Hearing troubles, Sight misperception, Vision problem and sometimes problems in the behavioral functioning.
Regular headaches are common in a brain tumor patient. These are regular and frequent and can take place at any instant. When the headaches are in the primary stage, they are preventable, but when the disease enters a severe stage, they are unstoppable and can even take the patient's life. Well it can be and cannot be a complete sign of a brain tumor. If the patient is receiving constant headaches then it can be a sign but consulting the experienced practitioner to find out if it is really a symptom of this condition or not.
Vomiting and Nausea:
These symptoms are sometimes rare and sometimes frequent in the patient. Vomiting and nausea can be a middle stage symptom of the brain tumor, but for confirmation the patient should consult the neurologist. With the latest research, the experts have declared that there are 22 patients out of hundred who had called Nausea as brain tumor's symptom.
Loss of hearing and vision:
According to the latest report, there are 25% patients who had loss of hearing and vision. But it is also not a true symptom for brain tumor. Sometimes, it depends upon the tendency of the patient as to what sort of symptoms he or she is carrying with the disease.
Stage 1:
This is a very primary stage of brain tumor in which the cells are not fully shaped and they do not even start to multiply. The cure is easy in this stage as the cells can easily be separated from the brain through a surgery.
Stage 2:
This is a stage where the cell activates in a slow growth form. This stage requires instant surgery; otherwise there is chance for the disease to go into its third stage which is more dangerous and risky,
Stage 3:
This stage is proficient for the cells to split up. They starts growing more rapidly and it requires a serious attention if the patient is to be recovered.
Stage 4:
This stage is the extreme of all stages where the cure becomes very difficult because the tumor cells have populated the entire brain section. This stage is very difficult to cure but can be cured if an urgent surgery is carried out. Most of the brain tumor's patient die in this last stage as many times the surgery does not remove the disease. That is why many neurologists advice the patients to treat it the very first stage so that the disease stops spreading.

Knowledge Is Power For Parents Of Children With Brain Cancer Or Spinal Cord Tumors

As parents, the ultimate dream we have for our children is that their childhoods will be happy ones, and they will grow up to lead long and healthy lives. Yet, every day, across America, there will be nine families whose dreams will be shattered when they learn that their child has a spinal cord tumor or some form of brain cancer. And, by the end of the year, over 3,000 families will have faced that same moment; when time stood still, the world blurred, and their lives changed forever.
From the moment their child is diagnosed, parents embark on a journey that will challenge every aspect of their being - from intellectual and physical, to mental, emotional and spiritual. It is essential that these parents have a strong support network, with family and friends taking on a vital role in that network. Along with that key component, parents also need a structured system that can provide resources to help them navigate the many challenges they will face, and assist them in making the best possible decisions for their child's health and well-being.
Once past the initial shock of the diagnosis, parents begin searching for answers to the flood of questions rushing through their minds. Knowledge is power, and early education about this disease can provide a lifeline in these dark waters.
There are several good sources for information on pediatric brain tumors and brain cancer, all of which can provide resources for education, assistance and support--
• Family doctors and pediatricians;
• Children's hospitals and cancer treatment facilities; and
• Nonprofit organizations focused on pediatric brain cancer.
Here are just a few examples of what a parent might find within the FAQ sections of these organizations:
Q: What are the causes of pediatric brain cancer and spinal cord tumors?
A: There are many different kinds of pediatric brain cancer, and their precise causes are still unknown, although research programs are making advancements towards understanding the causes, as well as improving treatments.
Q: What is the prognosis for most young patients with this disease?
A: Current statistics show that one in three patients will survive no more than five years. However, thanks to the progress that has been made in research over the past twenty years, there has been a significant decline in the overall cancer death rates, and it is estimated that there are 25,000 brain tumor survivors in the U.S. today.
Q: What are the treatment options for a child with a brain tumor or brain cancer?
A: Treatment of brain or spinal cord tumors includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, depending on the type, rate of growth and location of tumors. It usually begins with surgical resection to remove all or part of the tumor. Although complete removal of the tumor (gross total resection) is often the treatment of choice, partial removal of the tumor will occasionally relieve a child's symptoms.
For parents who find themselves facing this life-altering journey, help is available in many forms, and from several well-respected organizations. Whether the need involves education about this dreadful disease, finding sources for medical or financial assistance, or simply connecting with others in similar situations, the resources are available. Reaching out to one of these organizations can often make the difference in how this journey is traveled-by the parents, and by the patient.

The Role of Cancer Support Organizations

Fighting cancer using community tools
It has been claimed that cancer is indeed a personal battle. The victim attempts to overcome the challenges of the condition regardless of where they are based. On the other hand it might be argued that cancer is indeed a community disease. If you have a patient in the home then the respective routines of all the people involved will be affected. It is a life threatening condition regardless of how the pitching is made. The patient might react with anger and despair at various times. The role of the community is to give them support during this very difficult period. The cancer support system will be able to provide some advice on the sidelines but they are not at the heart of the storm. There is no doubt that this condition challenges many family and community relationships. Stress is often associated with the constant care of a patient in excruciating pain.
Family members need to be given the outlets to express their hopes and fears. The number of patients is rising and therefore a clear strategy is needed to provide them with services that assist in palliative care. There is also an impetus to look at the development of a cancer forum with the express aim of bringing together different experiences. It is possible that the participants will learn something about the condition and the way that it can be effectively managed. Counseling is a core function when dealing with cancer patients. It is preferable that this counseling is delivered on a local basis rather than a national basis. The local issues are best resolved on a local basis. This is not to say that a parochial approach is required in cancer management. Rather it is an effort to bring care services closer to the patient.
Funding issues and cancer care
The lack of funding can be a serious problem for institutions that are attempting to provide support to cancer patients. There are very many priorities within the healthcare system such that cancer care can sometimes get a raw deal. Economies that rely on a health insurance sector will know that cancer is considered to be a "pre-existing condition. That means that patients are very unlikely to get coverage. The insurance industry sees this as a real threat to their profits and they will work to remove the participation of various patients with this problem. It is up to the state to ensure that these issues are managed effectively. They can put regulations that provide tax breaks for cancer institutions as well as helping to train new counselors. Hospice treatment must not be left to become a pet project for charitable organizations. It is far too important to be left to chance.

The One Minute Cancer Cure - Treatment for Cancer The Natural Way

Suffering from cancer is painful and even more so because may a times the victim does not get cured and is left to die. What if you had a one-minute cure (which costs only 1.5 cents a day to self-administer) that could get rid of virtually any type of cancer?
I know you're probably thinking, "That just can't be true! How could one simple remedy possibly cure all types of cancer? Well, you have reason to be doubtful. I know I was. But if you're willing to suspend disbelief for an instant, you're about to learn the most amazing health secret anyone could ever possess. Your life could actually depend on this interesting information. You must cash in on the first opportunity to find out about the one minute cancer cure therapy before this information is banned by various pharmaceutical companies.
Doctor Otto Warburg, a Noble winner, stunned the globe when he revealed that cancer is caused by inadequate oxygen level in the body. In fact, his researches revealed that if you deny a cell 35% of its required oxygen for 48 hours, the cell is liable to become cancerous. That is why cancer is so widespread in our modern society -- because most people suffer from oxygen deprivation. Clearly, the primary physical cause of cancer is linked to oxygen deficiency. When any human body is abounding in oxygen, all cancer cells are eliminated because they cannot endure a high-oxygen atmosphere.
Natural remedies to cure cancer emphasizes on providing more oxygen to the cells of the body. The one minute cancer cure therapy is based on the theory of increasing blood flow in the cells of the body by increasing the hemoglobin and oxygen dissociation. Let us find out the process in which it functions. This natural cure to cancer works by increasing the levels of oxygen in the cells and tissues of the body. Any kind of pathogens cannot exist in such an environment due to their anaerobic nature. Therefore, they get eliminated.
One minute cancer cure method according to researchers is amazingly effective and that too without any side effects. Among all the other treatments to cancer, this new cure to cancer has been selected as one of the best natural cures for cancer because it works on the idea of increasing oxygen inside the body.
Oxygen cannot cure disease unless it is delivered to the cells and tissues of the body.
Most humans are unable to obtain suitable amounts of oxygen in their tissues and cells due reasons like poor air quality, oxygen-depleting actions and poor breathing habits. Moreover, the human body is unable to carry oxygen to the cells.
If the disease has to be eradicated by oxygen, then it must reach not only to the lungs and not only to bloodstream, but also to the cells of the body. That is why other oxygen-based therapies like food or supplements rich in oxygen, oxygenated water or healing procedures releasing oxygen in the bloodstream are not always recommended in treating cancer.
While oxygen based therapies can supply oxygen to the body, they don't involve a useful mechanism for breaking oxygen free from hemoglobin molecule. Therefore, oxygen based therapies may not deliver oxygen to the tissues and cells. One minute cancer cure therapy is an exception and does this in an effective way. This simple therapy includes natural oxygenating substance that stimulates movement of the oxygen atoms from bloodstream to cells.

In Which Ways Do Chemotherapy Work?

Many people these days get cancer and one of the most used treatments is chemotherapy. I will use breast cancer treatment as an example in this article.
What is chemotherapy?
It is the use of certain anti-cancer drugs which destroy the cancerous cells in the body. The aim is to nullify the cancerous cells, whilst causing minimum damage to health issues.
What types of chemotherapy exist for breast cancer?
Generally there are 2 types:
  • Pre-surgery to shrink the cancer.
  • Post-surgery treatment, mostly given if the doctors think there are chances of the cancer coming back.
There are also some combined therapies which are used to limit toxicity to achieve better results.
How often do you get treatment?
Many of these treatments are given dependent on different factors, for instance the character of the tumor, the age and health of the patient, and the lymph node status. Normally the patients are outpatients, meaning they don't have to stay in the hospital every day. The total treatment lasts between 4-8 months, in which the drug is administered by injection with a few weeks rest in between each session.
What drugs are used?
There are many different drugs used to treat breast cancer. Often these drugs are also used in combination with each other to try to reduce the possibilities of side effects that can occur after the treatment.
Are there any side effects of chemotherapy?
In general, patients over 65 have increased possibilities of side effects after treatment. These side effects are mostly treated with other medicines. Most side effects only appear during treatment, and after some months will disappear.
What are the benefits?
Chemotherapy greatly reduces the risk of cancer reoccurring. Therefore, the higher chance you have of cancer reoccurring, the greater the benefit of the chemotherapy. That is not to say it is not beneficial to patients with a low chance of re-occurrence. Each case is different, so seek further advice to see how chemotherapy could be beneficial for you.

Cancer Registrar: Meet Your Cancer Data Expert

Cancer Registrars are the cancer data experts working behind-the-scenes in healthcare organizations. Little is known about them because they focus their expertise and energy on required data collection, reporting, and internal collaboration with physicians, administrators and other members of the healthcare team. Cancer Registrars review the medical record information and identify, code, and classify demographic, clinical and treatment information as it is entered into a specialized database. The American Cancer Society projects that more than 1.5 million new cases will be diagnosed in the United States in 2010, so this represents a significant contribution to healthcare by these experts each year.
The history of cancer has been documented as far back as 2500 B.C. In the United States it was 1956 when the American College of Surgeons required a registrar as a component of an accredited cancer program. It was not until 1993 when many of the states mandated cancer as a reportable disease. While the law requires physicians and healthcare providers as the responsible parties for reporting, cancer registrars are designated by the physicians and healthcare organizations to perform the tasks to meet these requirements.
Cancer Registrars receive specialized training in the scientific, clinical and pathological disease processes including diagnosis, treatment and lifetime follow-up of the cancer patient as well as healthcare privacy, confidentiality and security measures. Each registrar must have extensive knowledge of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, cancer diagnosis and treatment methods, and tumor staging. Recent advances in genetics, personalized medicine and biological therapies are also part of the registrar's knowledge base. Topping this off, the registrar must also be familiar with statistical and epidemiological uses of registry data, such as treatment outcomes and survival statistics, so that they may accurately prepare reports on trends and incidences of cancer for use in research and publications.
Healthcare facilities accredited by the Commission on Cancer and American College of Surgeons are required to have at least one certified cancer registrar, or CTR, to manage and oversee the registry operations. In 2012 new standards will require that all registrars who abstract, or perform the coding and classification tasks in the registry, must possess a valid CTR certification. This signifies that the individual is knowledgeable in the current best practice techniques and has received specialized training in the coding and classification methods used to ensure that high quality cancer data is made available.
While you may not see a cancer registrar in your doctor's clinic or in the hallways of your healthcare organizations, you can rest assured that they are working diligently behind-the-scenes to collect accurate, complete, and timely information. Cancer Registrars are continually collaborating with the physicians and healthcare team to monitor the delivery of high quality patient care. They provide informatics support, as required by law, for use by physicians, scientists, and government agencies to study outcomes and effects of treatment, develop new treatment methods and, ultimately, to find a cure for cancer.
The job outlook for cancer registrars in 2010 and beyond is excellent! Learn how to jump-start your new career as a cancer registrar... Click here to learn how you can become a cancer data expert.

IMRT Radiation: What Is It?IMRT radiation,

IMRT radiation, which is also called Intensity modulated radiation therapy, has revolutionized cancer care by giving the ability to radiation doctors to deliver radiation to the target area while minimizing damage to surrounding normal tissues.
Prior to the introduction of IMRT radiation, radiation doctors utilized a technique called 3 dimension treatment planning technique. This involved delivering a calculated amount of radiation through two or four different directions aimed at the area of the body containing cancer. The radiation beam was shaped to conform to the contour of the target as seen from each angle of entry of the beam. But there was no way that the beam would conform precisely to the target area and at least a part of a vital structure located close to the target volume would receive the same amount of radiation as the target. This limited the ability of radiation doctors to deliver higher, more effective doses of radiation to the target volume. This was especially important in such situations as prostate carcinoma where the dose to the adjacent part of the rectum caused horrendous long term side effects such as bleeding, stricture and frequent bowel movements. Sometimes these side effects required surgical procedures to correct the problem. Other areas where 3 D treatment planning and delivery caused problems was in the treatment of cancers in different areas of the head and neck. Poor ability to control radiation to the salivary glands, spinal cord and other vital structures resulted in long term disabling side effects and poorer rate of control of these cancers.
IMRT radiation came into main stream practice in the treatment of cancer because of the entry of powerful computers into the medical field. The radiation doctor now had the capacity to outline very precisely the target volume and the surrounding normal structures and dictate to the computer the amount of radiation that he would allow for each of these areas and the volume of these organs that were allowed a certain amount of radiation. The treatment planning computer would now go through multiple calculations sometimes lasting for hours while modulating the intensity of radiation through each entry point into the patient. Modulation of the beam is performed by the movement of metallic leaves that go in and out blocking and unblocking the exit of radiation from the head of the radiation machine. Thus, different areas of the target volume would get different intensities of radiation from each beam entry. The sum result of multiple beams entering the patient from different angles would result in radiation dose literally painted very precisely over the target volume while giving the radiation physician the amount of radiation that he has allowed to vital organs located close to the target.
In simple terms, 3 D treatment planning and delivery is the same as carpet bombing an entire block in a city while IMRT radiation is the equivalent of a smart bomb that would hit precisely the exact building in that block while leaving the adjacent buildings relatively unscathed thus sparing innocent lives while annihilating the bad guys in the target building.
IMRT radiation technology is utilized to treat cancers located deep within the body, are irregular in shape and are adjacent to vital structures. Good examples are prostate cancers, head and neck cancers, pancreatic cancer and tumors in the brain among several others.
Patients who are exploring radiation therapy as an option in the treatment of their cancer will do well when they are fully informed. They should not hesitate to ask their cancer radiation doctors regarding the age and the technology utilized to treat them.
Dr. Kumar is a board certified Radiation Oncologist who is co-founder of a private practice group called Coastal Cyberknife and Radiation Oncology in Saint Lucie County, Florida. He has over 17 years experience dealing with cancer patients including several members in his own family who have been afflicted by this disease.
His philosophy of managing patients is through a unique holistic approach that takes into account the wishes and needs of patients and their families. Education in simple language allows the patients to make the right decision when it comes to their cancer care.

Friday 11 March 2011

Breast Cancer - Vital Facts About Breast Implant Surgery

Women who needed a mastectomy because of breast cancer often suffer from depression. To regain their self-confidence, these cancer survivors can consult with a plastic surgeon in Nevada, and request a breast implant in Las Vegas. Adding a saline-filled and silicone-gel-filled implant to replace the lost breast can make a world of difference.
Battling cancer is not easy and can have an enormous impact on both the physical and mental state of a patient. This can even get worse when the cancer has spread, or the tumor is in a bad location. In these cases, the breast has to be surgically removed. During a mastectomy, the entire breast is taken out to ensure that no malignant cells are left behind. This can be devastating.
Women who had a breast removed have 3 choices. Mastectomy patients can accept their fate, they can have the other breast reduced, or they can see a specialist in Clark County and request a breast implant. In Las Vegas, they can select the perfect cosmetic surgery institute for this procedure. With the help of a skillful plastic surgeon, and surrounded by compassionate, knowledgeable and committed staff, patients can expect superior results. They will have a full range of treatment options, and will be protected by complete patient confidentiality.
Surviving breast cancer, as well as a mastectomy is absolutely possible with the support of loving family members, concerned friends, and the great care of a superior plastic surgery institute. While the road to recovery may not always be easy, always remember that with all the available assistance you can count on, there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

Breast Cancer Surgery Isn't Such a Popular Choice Anymore With Cancer Specialists

For at least a century now, the women who have had their doctors detect early breast cancer in them have gone under the knife for a painful kind of surgery that was always thought to be the best chance they could have at survival. The surgery was lymph node removal from the armpit and women have always agreed to having it done because their doctors always told them that it would help them live longer and keep the cancer from coming back. What doctors find today is that breast cancer surgery like this does no good in one out of five women who have it done in America. It doesn't help them live longer, it doesn't help them beat breast cancer any better and it doesn't keep the cancer from coming back. All that it does is to give these poor women a lot of pain from the surgery and a possible shot at an infection called lymphedema that can be quite bothersome.
Why was breast cancer surgery deemed to be of no use in these women? It was because these were women who were given chemotherapy and radiation therapy anyway ahead of the surgery; and these methods of cure usually work well enough that in one of five women, the cancer is destroyed effectively. In case you didn't know, all women with breast cancer in the lymph nodes are given radiation and chemotherapy. It's because doctors believe that cancer that's gone as far as the lymph nodes doesn't usually yield to mere surgery. They believe that once cancer has gone this far, it is likely to be ready to spread even farther.
Breast cancer specialists are so impressed with these new findings that they are already changing their treatment plans at several major hospitals. To be given the benefit of this new funding, you have to make sure that you visit one of the more advanced frontline hospitals. Most places still have doctors who are stuck to the old way of doing things - which would be recommending breast cancer surgery for the lymph nodes, left and right, indiscriminately.
It's just that doctors and patients both find it difficult to scale the intensity of their treatment back. They feel that anything that's less intense an option has to be risky. But they should take a little inspiration from the way the intensity of treatment aimed at breast cancer has been on the decline for decades now, with great results. It used to be that up till about the 70s, doctors kept lopping breasts off with radical mastectomy a great deal. That's when they discovered that they doesn't have to lope breasts off; that lumpectomy and radiation often achieved results that were just as good.
As scientific understanding progresses about what breast cancer is all about, doctors learn to become less panicked and more restrained in what they recommend. It's the way medical

Showing Support With Breast Cancer Awareness Products

If there's one thing I wish I could do more of, it's volunteer my time to support worthy causes. Unfortunately, work and family commitments leave me with very little free time and prevent me from doing much volunteering on weekends. If I were rich, I'd write a check to every charitable organization out there, but that's not possible either. So right now I'm doing what I can by buying breast cancer awareness products for myself and to give as gifts.
You're probably familiar with the pink ribbon symbol that is usually attached to breast cancer awareness products. I love buying apparel and accessories bearing this logo because I know that a portion of the money I spend will go towards funding further research. Since I have family members and close friends that have suffered from this disease, I think it's critical to help fund further research. Too many great women have been cut down in their prime, and I believe I speak for everyone when I say we owe it to our mothers, sisters, wives, and friends to stop this disease in its tracks. If I can contribute even just a little bit by buying breast cancer awareness products, then of course I will continue to do so.
Another reason I like breast cancer awareness products is because they usually catch the attention of other people. There are some very nice items for sale at the official Pink Ribbon website, as well as partner sites across the Internet, and many of these pieces invite comments from total strangers. When I tell them where I got this particular hat, handbag, scarf, pin, or bracelet, I know that they'll go home and check out the site for themselves. If this leads to more sales of breast cancer awareness products, then I feel like I've done my good deed for the day.
I don't purchase breast cancer awareness products only for myself, either. I've found a number of beautiful gift items on the site, and now give pink ribbon merchandise whenever presents are called for. I've done this for birthdays, graduations, Christmas, anniversaries, and retirements, and all the recipients have been thrilled to receive a quality product that helps support a wonderful cause. I look at it this way. If I have a choice between spending my money on a Hollister t-shirt or spending the same dollars on a Pink Ribbon or Fight Like a Girl shirt, there's simply no question about which option is more worthy.
I like to believe that most people would support this kind of cause if they had enough time or money to do so. If you aren't in a position to write a big donation check, then do what I do and purchase breast cancer awareness products instead of shopping at the mall. You'll still get cool merchandise, and a portion of the proceeds will go towards finding the cure to a devastating disease.